About Our Family


As a family of eight, we are dedicated to stewarding the land that God has blessed us with, homeschooling our children, and raising food on our small farm. Our commitment to sustainable farming practices, organic gardening, and animal husbandry reflects our deep respect for the environment and our desire to provide wholesome, nutritious food for our family.

Through homeschooling, we strive to instill values of hard work, responsibility, and a strong connection to the natural world in our children. By involving them in the daily tasks of tending to the farm, caring for animals, and growing our own food, we hope to impart important life skills and foster a deep appreciation for the land. Our small farm not only provides us with fresh, organic produce and humanely raised meat but also serves as a place of learning, growth, and connection for our family.

We are grateful for the opportunity to live close to the land, work together as a family, and nurture a sustainable lifestyle that honors God’s creation. The beauty of our surroundings, the rhythm of the seasons, and the interconnectedness of all living things inspire us each day. It’s not just about the practical aspects of farming; it’s about passing down traditions, knowledge, and a profound reverence for nature to our children, ensuring that they understand the importance of responsible land management and the deep fulfillment that comes from living in harmony with the earth. Every task on our farm is an opportunity for learning and bonding, whether it’s planting seeds, caring for animals, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the breathtaking sunset over the fields. The satisfaction of providing for ourselves and our community in a way that respects the earth and its resources adds a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment to our lives. Each harvest is not just a bounty of food, but a reminder of the resilience and abundance of nature, and a testament to the rewards of hard work and dedication. We take great pride in the life we have built on our farm, nurturing not only the land and its inhabitants, but also the values of sustainability, gratitude, and love for the natural world in our children.

Welcome to our blog, our corner of the internet dedicated to all things homesteading and homemade. Here, we invite you to join our family’s journey while we learn grow and homestead a little more each day on our small 3 acres.

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